Re: [css3-lists] ::marker should inherit from the element

Le 05/04/2013 16:48, Øyvind Stenhaug a écrit :
> On Fri, 05 Apr 2013 15:47:45 +0200, Simon Sapin<>
> wrote:
>> >We at least want to inherit font-family, right?  The simplest for specs
>> >would be for ::marker to inherit just like ::before does.
>> >
>> >If there are specific web-compat concerns or use cases regarding
>> >text-transform, font-variant or other properties, they could be
>> >addressed in a UA stylesheet. For example:
>> >
>> >    ::marker { text-transform: initial; font-variant: initial }
> Yes, indeed, but unless those rules are specified somewhere, I don't see
> that it helps much for interoperability. And Lists already has a UA
> stylesheet (although only informative and for HTML, as usual for CSS
> specs).

Sure. If any such UA stylesheet is needed it should be discussed here 
and then put in a spec.

I don’t know the details of these issues or if they exist at all, 
though. Can you expand?

Simon Sapin

Received on Friday, 5 April 2013 14:56:19 UTC