Re: [css-overflow] pathological fragment box generation

On Thursday 2013-04-04 20:36 -0700, Alan Stearns wrote:
> There will be some cases where overflow:fragments will generate fragment
> boxes that can not fit any content fragment, and pathological cases where
> box generation could enter an infinite loop, like this:
> <style>
>   .too-big {
>     height: 100px;
>   }
>   .too-small {
>     height: 50px;
>     overflow: fragments;
>   }
> </style>
> <div class="too-small">
>   <div class="too-big"></div>
> </div>

Well, the traditional way of handling this sort of case in multicol
or print is to ensure that every column/page contains *some*
content, so we never start the next column/page in the same
situation.  In that model, there's no problem here; the big item
just gets placed.  (I was assuming that's what css3-break specifies
or will specify; maybe that's not the case.)

It's not clear to me that suppressing this in the case where
something won't fit in the current fragment but might fit in a later
fragment is an important enough use case to be worth implementing.


𝄞   L. David Baron                  𝄂
𝄢   Mozilla                    𝄂

Received on Friday, 5 April 2013 03:46:15 UTC