[css3-multicol] Overflow and max-height


currently the spec suggests that if height is constrained, content should be rendered outside of the column box (overflow columns).
If you put two column boxes next two each other the overflowing content is rendered over the next column. (Example: http://jsfiddle.net/sHyzL/31/embedded/result/ )

This is ugly and makes some layout impossible to realise:

Imagine a site where two articles sit next two each other. Their boxes have a max-height.
The text-length varies. Sometimes the text fits in one column, sometimes not. ( Mockup: http://leo-koppelkamm.de/public/Overflow-Layout-01.png )

I propose an extension to the overflow property: a new value "expand". In the context of columns it would resize the bounding box until the 
content safely fits in.

Regards, Leo

Received on Thursday, 4 April 2013 10:01:01 UTC