Re: [css-masking] Editorial: Intro / Interactions / Definitions

On Apr 1, 2013, at 2:20 PM, fantasai <> wrote:

> On 03/13/2013 01:19 PM, Dirk Schulze wrote:
>>> Your markup is very confused:
>>>   <a class="element-name" href="#MaskElement">‘<code class="property">mask</code>’</a>
>>> Perhaps some other convention than what you're using is needed to distinguish
>>> CSS property names from markup element names? In the CSS specs we tend to
>>> wrap element names in angle brackets instead of quotes, for instance.
>> I fully agree with you. However, this is a requirement of the preprocessor of the SVG specification to link to the relevant sections in SVG. I need to check with Cameron how to improve this. In SVG2 elements have a different styling (red), which does not seem to be accessible for me.
> OK. I think you really do need to find some way to style elements and properties
> differently, though. Right now the spec is very confusing.

I agree. For now I applied the same style on elements as the SVG2 specification does. This makes them visually different from properties. Beside that, I tried to be consistent and always add the term 'element' or 'property' right behind the definition.

> Additional comments on the intro:
>   # A mask is applied using the ‘mask’, ‘mask-image’ or ‘mask-box-image’ properties.
> S/A mask is/Masks are/ ? You can use these properties together, right?

mask and mask-box-image can be used together, yes. Both are the shorthands. I incorporated your previous feedback and defined the "long hand" properties first and mention the shorthands afterwards.

>   # The effect of applying a mask is as if the mask images ...
> This paragraph should probably shift up above the one detailing the various
> methods of applying a mask, so that we know what one is before we start
> learning how to apply one. :)

Yes, I moved this paragraph up.

>   # Clipping defines a visible region of a visual element.
> It's not clear to me what the difference is between masking and clipping.
> Probably this should be made clear if there is one. (If not, then maybe
> define the terms as synonymous or something…)

I added some more context. I hope this clarifies the difference more. (Both have a similar purpose of hiding content though.)

>> I agree, I'll work on an easier introduction and upload it within the
>> next three days.
> Let me know when you get around to this.

I am sorry. It took me some more days :). I changed this section. It is ready for review now.


PS: I walk through your emails one after the other. So there might be other changes today depending on the other feedback.

> ~fantasai

Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2013 18:43:34 UTC