Re: [css4-regions][css4-break][css4-box] Formatting contexts

I should have marked this for Regions level 4, not 3. css3-regions 
avoids the issue of regions that are not block containers (presumably 
because of just such questions!).


On 27/09/2012 09:16, Anton Prowse wrote:
> Imagine we have a flow consisting of 4 same-height paragraphs.  Those
> paragraphs participate in a block formatting context.  Then with the
> magic of regions, we pick up this flow and pipe it into a chain of
> regions consisting of a "normal" div, a flexbox container and a table,
> all of which have the same fixed height equal to 1.33 paragraphs.
> In the first region, the block formatting context settles in nicely, and
> the second paragraph gets fragmented a third of the way through.
> In the second region, we're receiving a part of the flow consisting of
> two-thirds of the second paragraph and two-thirds of the third paragraph
> (as fragments).  Yet the second region is a flexbox container.  How are
> these paragraph fragments processed?  Are they treated as flex items, or
> is the flex nature of the container ignored?  In other words, do the
> fragments participate in a flex formatting context instead of a block
> formatting context?
> Similarly for the third region: is the table nature of the region
> ignored, or do the remaining paragraph fragments participate in a table
> formatting context (ie get wrapped up in table-* boxes)?
> Then imagine that there's also a tall float in that original flow of
> paragraphs, which gets fragmented across all the regions.  What happens
> to the float fragments in the second and third regions?  If flex
> formatting and table formatting occur, I presume the second and third
> float fragments are treated according to the rules of those formatting
> contexts (ie the floated nature is ignored and they're treated like
> normal block box fragments).
> Cheers,
> Anton Prowse

Received on Thursday, 27 September 2012 17:56:12 UTC