Re: [css3-conditional] Resolving issues

Le 26/09/2012 01:08, Tab Atkins Jr. a écrit :
> That's a reasonable point, I suppose.  We could make a tiny tweak to
> the syntax and change supports_declaration_condition to:
> supports_declaration_condition
>    : '(' S* core_declaration ')' S* | FUNCTION S* [any|unused]* ')' S*
>    ;
> Then make it like MQ, and have unrecognized functions evaluate as
> false.

Yes, I had something like this in mind. As with colors, functions could 
be the only way to extend the syntax.

> We'd probably also want negations of unknown functions to
> evaluate as false.  Basically, only an "or" should be able to
> whitewash away the unrecognized-ness.

Maybe, but why? In terms of boolean logic, having "A" and "not A" both 
evaluate to false is very strange to me. Is there a use case I’m missing?

Simon Sapin

Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2012 07:05:51 UTC