Re: [CSSOM View] "Document content width / height" doesn't have normative definition

On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 9:19 PM, Justice <> wrote:

> The spec defined the term *document content* as "the area on the canvas
> that is rendered upon, excluding content on negative axis" but it seemed to
> me that it doesn't normatively define its metrics.
> In later sections of the spec *scrollWidth* and *scrollHeight* is defined
> using the term *document content width / height*, which is quite vague
> and not so instructive for the actual calculation of root element's
> scrollWidth / scrollHeight.
> Just have a look at scrollHeight of the root element, according my test
> results, Firefox and IE regard it as the margin box height excluding
> margin-bottm, Chrome regards it as the padding box height and Opera regards
> it as the margin box height.

It seemed that IE9 started to do the calculation the same way Opera does.

> I think we need some normative definitions here to help user agents
> conformantly calculate scrollWidth and scrollHeight of the root element.

Received on Wednesday, 31 October 2012 19:04:06 UTC