Re: [css3-syntax][css21] More problems with determining the character encoding

On 10/23/12 4:06 AM, Glenn Adams wrote:
> If the resource containing the stylesheet and the resource containing
> the referencing document are both in the same domain (
> <>), then it might be reasonable. However, if cross
> domain, then it would be inadvisable.

That's a possible refinement on what's currently specified and 
implemented, yes.

That said, it's not clear to me how much we really want to rock the 
compat boat here, unless there are security considerations.

> Also, it would be useful to point out the use
> of the charset MIME type parameter on the @type attribute from the
> linking element, which seems like it would be covered by rule (3), but
> is not otherwise mentioned.

In Gecko, it's not considered as a source of encoding information.  I 
don't know what other UAs do, offhand.


Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2012 13:36:40 UTC