Re: [css-masking] new value for 'mask-clip'

On Oct 21, 2012, at 2:20 AM, Kenneth Rohde Christiansen <> wrote:

> Sounds like a valid use-case to me, but what about naming it
> descendent-box ? Isn't that more clear.

I choose 'group-box', since it describes the mechanism that we use here. We group thinks. But 'descendent-box' would be fine for me as well. Would it reflect good enough that the border box of the actual element is included as well?


> Kenneth
> On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 5:03 AM, Dirk Schulze <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The 'mask-clip' property[1] takes the three boxes defined for 'background-clip'[2]: content-box, padding-box and border-box. This means that the 'mask-image' property will always clip to at least the border box element. Overflowing content will always be clipped to the border box.
>> Authors may want masking to take overflowing content into account as well.
>> #parent {
>>        mask-image: url(image.svg);
>>        width: 200px;
>>        height: 200px;
>> }
>> #content {
>>        width: 500px;
>>        height: 500px;
>> }
>> <div id="parent">
>>        <img id="content" src="image.png" width="500">
>> </div>
>> Instead of having the image clipped to the border box of the div box, authors may want to have the whole group get masked.
>> I would suggest a new keyword 'group-box'. If that keyword is used, the union of border boxes of the current element and all descendant elements get computed and used to specify the clipping area.
>> The SVG WG asked for another keyword 'filter-box'. This keyword would use the calculated filter box of an applied 'filter' property. The filter box is the affected (painted) area of an filter. The current specification of Filter Effects[3] does not define such a term yet. It must be described by Filter Effects first.
>> Any comments or suggestions?
>> Greetings,
>> Dirk
>> [1]

>> [2]

>> [3]

> -- 
> Kenneth Rohde Christiansen
> Senior Engineer, WebKit, Qt, EFL
> Phone  +45 4093 0598 / E-mail kenneth at
> ﹆﹆﹆

Received on Sunday, 21 October 2012 16:54:06 UTC