Re: [css3-values][css3-page] Viewport-percentage length units in the page context.

Le 19/10/2012 22:36, Tab Atkins Jr. a écrit :
>> Second issue: if an element is fragmented over multiple pages, the page size
>> >may vary. However the computed value for eg. 'margin-left: 3vw' is supposed
>> >to be absolute. Does that mean that the element has*multiple*  sets of
>> >computed values, one for each page?
> Ah, good point.  They definitely have multiple sets of layout values -
> one per fragment.  Computed values are meant to be attached to
> elements, though.  This is a more interesting question.  Dunno!

Hence the suggestion to keep viewport-percentage units in computed 
values, like other layout-based percentages. The bit about not affecting 
the layout is about this change.

Simon Sapin

Received on Friday, 19 October 2012 20:40:49 UTC