Re: [css3-values][css3-page] Viewport-percentage length units in the page context.

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 9:00 AM, Simon Sapin <> wrote:
> I think that the only sane way to handle viewport-percentage units in paged
> media is to treat them like other layout-based percentages: keep the
> percentage in the computed value and only convert it to an absolute unit in
> used values.
> This should not change the layout, even if these computed values end up
> being inherited: the initial containing block is still the same. It might be
> visible in the CSSOM, but I’m not sure.
> Spec-wise however, this is in contradiction with the "Computed value" line
> of every property that accept <length>.

No, this doesn't work.  It *will* change the layout, because the page
size *is* the initial containing block for the contents on that page.

It seems clear that this is a trivial circular dependency, and we
should resolve it in the standard way, which is just having them
compute to 'auto' or similar.


Received on Friday, 19 October 2012 19:47:46 UTC