Re: Alternative Style Sheets

On Thu, 2012-10-18 at 19:37 +0100, Antony Kennedy wrote:
> > For people with disabilities or special needs, then an user stylesheet is
> > necessary.
> But should we really expect all users to write their own stylesheets?
> I agree, they should have the option. But I'd rather offer them a good
> solution where I still have a degree of control.


A good solution might be for the user agent to have some preferences,
. Minimum and maximum hue and value contrast (e.g., adjust these two
slider controls until the preview is comfortable for you to read)
. Minimum, maximum and preferred font size, font and line spacing
. Maximum preferred text line length

Most browsers have at least a default font choice, although there's not
usually any control over line spacing, unfortunate since that and line
length are the two most significant factors in readability after you've
reached the "more or less comfortable" zone with font and colour.

Setting this sort of preference in CSS is unreasonably difficult for
most people - it's the wrong level of abstraction. Which is why most
browsers have preferences instead.


Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C,
Pictures from old books:
Ankh: freenode/#xml
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Received on Thursday, 18 October 2012 19:26:54 UTC