Re: [css3-flexbos] number of flex lines in an empty flex container (was: [css3-flexbox] Abspos flex-item positions)

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Kang-Hao (Kenny) Lu
<> wrote:
> (12/10/18 1:33), Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> Even if there are no items, you still have a flex line.  It's just empty.
> Hmm... that's interesting. Was there a discussion about this?

It just makes the model simpler, and is otherwise an irrelevant
detail, since flex lines are a spec concept, not detectable by the

> I noticed this part
>   # Every line contains at least one flex item, unless the flex
>   # container itself is completely empty.
> in "6. Flex Lines", but I think this should probably go into "9 Flex
> Layout Algorithm" since it's a bit surprising.

It's direct stated in the first bullet point of step 5 in the layout
algorithm, and implied by the second.

> Also, this doesn't match the inline model, does it? What if we introduce
> something like 'line-height' in the future for flex lines?

Then we'll deal with the issue then.  There's nothing wrong in the
future with distinguishing between empty and non-empty flex lines.


Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2012 18:19:57 UTC