Re: [CSS Intrinsic & Extrinsic Sizing] sizing of absolutely positioned elements

On 10/11/2012 02:53 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 2:31 PM, fantasai <> wrote:
>> Proposed replacement:
>>    | The inner fill-available measure of a box is…
>>    |  * If the box is the root or is absolutely-positioned,
>>    |    the used measure of its containing block, else
>>    |  * max(min-measure|0, min(max-measure|infinity, measure|fill-available))
>>    |    where the sizes are inner measures of the element establishing the
>>    |    box's containing block, and where the first value is used if it is
>>    |    definite and the second value otherwise.
>>    | …less the box's inline-axis margins (after margin collapsing), borders,
>>    | and padding.
> Sounds good to me and Ojan.  SHIP IT.

I don't care about what you and Ojan think, I only care about bz's opinion.
(Just kidding, I care.) Ok, I will check it in. And wait for bz to shoot
holes in it. ;)


Received on Friday, 12 October 2012 00:51:55 UTC