Re: [css3-transforms][css4-background] Should the spec have {background,transform,perspective}-origin-x/y

On Oct 11, 2012, at 1:41 PM, fantasai <> wrote:

> On 10/11/2012 09:35 AM, L. David Baron wrote:
>> On Thursday 2012-09-27 12:44 -0400, Boris Zbarsky wrote:
>>> Apparently WebKit implements transform-origin-x and
>>> transform-origin-y properties.  Should these be in the spec,
>>> perhaps?
>> I think we should do the same thing for transform-origin-x/y/z,
>> perspective-origin-x/y, and background-origin-x/y.  I don't have a
>> strong opinion which way, but I'd like to keep these consistent.
> background-origin doesn't take positions, it takes the keywords
> border-box/padding-box/content-box.

I meant background-position, sorry. It's confusing that both properties have
"origin" in the name, but background-origin is really background-coverage
or background-rect.

>> So I'm tagging this thread as [css4-background] as well, which I
>> think should interest some additional folks in the conversation.
> The main issue with background-position-x and background-position-y
> is that they prevent the introduction of logical-keywords positions,
> something the i18nwg has been requesting for many years and which
> we deferred from L3 to L4. There's some discussion of the issue here:

I can imagine cases where you want transform-origin to be writing-mode
aware. For example, I might want to spin a line of text around the 5th letter.


Received on Thursday, 11 October 2012 21:21:29 UTC