Re: [css3-writing-modes] before/after terminology alternative?

On 10/8/2012 7:43 PM, MURAKAMI Shinyu wrote:
> Sylvain Galineau <> wrote on 2012/10/05 4:19:57
>> ["Martin J. Dürst":]
>>> Just an additional datapoint in this discussion:
>>> I just noticed that CSS already has properties page-break-before and page-
>>> break-after (see
>>> Rather obviously, these indicate the same directions as the -before and -
>>> after relative direction properties already in XSL-FO, but are orthogonal
>>> to the :before and :after pseudo-elements.
>>> These seem not to have caused any significant confusion up to now.
>> That it does not seem to have caused confusion may mostly reflect that one
>> is much better known than the other.
>> Also, when preceded and qualified with the word 'page' I don't see how they
>> could be confusing. As stand-alone directional words before and after are
>> imo potentially confusing for anyone familiar with ::before/::after which is
>> to say a very large proportion of CSS authors.
> I'd like to repeat this[1] -
>  I don't think the logical direction before/after conflicts
>  with existing CSS specification, the pseudo elements ::before and ::after.
>  The pseudo elements ::before and ::after are for
>  "before the element's content" and "after the element's content"
>  in the DOM tree, and do not mean directions in layout.
>  People can easily distinguish them.

Fully agree with that statement. The "::" create enough context.

> [1]
> In addition, I understand that if the actual directions of ::before/::after
> pseudo elements are always orthogonal to the before/after logical
> directions, people will be confused easily, but this is not true;
> when the ::before/::after pseudo elements have 'display: block' or
> the target elements have block content, the directions are same as
> before/after logical directions. Consider the following example:
>  <style>
>  h1::before {
>    display: block;
>    content: "[BEFORE]";
>  }
>  h1::after {
>    display: block;
>    content: "[AFTER]";
>  }
>  </style>
>  <h1>TEST</h1>
> The result will be:
>  [AFTER]
> Regards,
> Shinyu Murakami
> Antenna House

Received on Tuesday, 9 October 2012 04:11:00 UTC