Re: [css3-fonts][css-variables][css-counter-styles-3][css3-values] Case sensitivity of user-defined identifiers

|  I have to admit I don't understand why we can't just make variable names
|  case-sensitive...

For what it's worth, [css-variables] are described to be standards 
properties so they should obey traditionnal rules applied to CSS properties.

In HTML, user-defined attributes seems to be case-insenstive for Latin1 at 
least (tested in IE9, Chrome 24) :

    document.body.setAttribute("â", true); document.body.getAttribute("Â");

I believe [css-variables] and all properties should be defined as Latin1-CI 
as well (or, rather, as having the same level of insensitivity as HTML 

Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2012 15:09:00 UTC