Re: [css3-fonts][css-variables][css-counter-styles-3][css3-values] Case sensitivity of user-defined identifiers

On 09/30/2012 07:59 PM, John Daggett wrote:
> Tab Atkins wrote:
>> However, it's very limited - if you write an ident in a language
>> other than English, you may very well run up against casing issues
>> that should be "obvious" to solve.
> I don't understand what this sentence implies.  The existing rule for CSS is
> case-sensitive matching outside the ASCII range.  What are the "casing issues"
> here?  Yes, it's simple and crude and by no means ideal but it is what it is,
> I'm not sure I see "issues" here.

It means that Håkon will match HåKoN but not HÅKON.
Similarly César will match césar and CéSaR, but not CÉSAR.
However John will match john, JoHn, and JOHN.
This is, imo, undisputably weird to a user, even though it seems
straightforward to anyone familiar with character encoding history.


Received on Tuesday, 2 October 2012 08:33:01 UTC