- From: Andrew Fedoniouk <news@terrainformatica.com>
- Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 23:21:54 -0800
- To: www-style@w3.org
This sample: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/14981836/line-height-test.htm contains two identical paragraphs, the only difference is that first one has line-height:normal and second one - line-height:1em; According to the spec [1]: 'line-height' specifies the *minimal* height of line boxes within the element. If that property defines minimal height then these two paragraphs should be rendered in the same way. But all browsers I've tried render this sample with results I cannot interpret. The only exception is IE9, it treats as if 'line-height' defines max-line-height. That is also against the spec but at least the rendering is predictable somehow. I suspect that I miss something between lines of the spec. My understanding of the spec wording is this: used-line-height = max( {normal-line-height}, {defined-line-height} ); I'd appreciate any comments on the subject. -- Andrew Fedoniouk. http://terrainformatica.com
Received on Monday, 26 November 2012 07:22:22 UTC