Re: CSS issue: Need fallback alternatives for CSS generated *text* content containing unicode glyphs

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 2:13 PM, James Craig <> wrote:
> An alternate solution, that was proposed off-list, was for CSS to offer another property to indicate whether the value of the content property was considered decorative or not.
>         .expandable:before {
>                 content: "\25BA"; /* a.k.a. ► */
>                 generated-content: decorative; /* something like this? like adding aria-hidden="true", but applied to the psuedo-element */
>         }

In this vein, I'm not opposed to a similar approach, where we define
an "alt" property that only applies to pseudo-elements and takes a
<string> as its value.  The presence of 'alt' means that 'content' is
decorative, and you should read 'alt' instead.  Absence means you
should read 'content' as normal.


Received on Thursday, 15 November 2012 22:49:17 UTC