Should positioned element have a 0px size for determinig the "static position"?

Hi CSS group,

CSS 2.1 (10.3.7) defines how to determine 'left' in LTR context (or
'right' in RTL context) for the "static position". However the
specification doesn't say which size should we consider for
determining the position.

Tab considered that they should be 0px sized, which matches WebKit
(and Gecko too AFAICT). However I couldn't find a mention of that in
the spec.

Here are 2 rough test case where the sizing will impact the layout:

(both use text-align: right but text-align: center would also be relevant)

Using a 0px width will yield to confusing results from a web-author's
perspective (where it's easy to overflow your containing block) but it
is definitely more simple to implement and matches what some UA are

What do people think?


Received on Wednesday, 14 November 2012 17:51:37 UTC