Re: nth descendent selector

On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 1:56 PM, Liam R E Quin <> wrote:
> On Tue, 2012-11-13 at 11:27 -0800, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 2:33 AM, Dave Smith <> wrote:
>> > For example
>> > li:nth(7)
>> > would be equivalent to document.getElementsByTagName('li')[6]
>> The XQuery language (cousin to Selectors) has this functionality.
> (as does XPath)

Heh, XPath is actually what I meant to refer to.  ^_^

>> Unfortunately, it's difficult to do in Selectors, because all browsers
>> (and most JS-based selector engines, too) optimize selectors by
>> evaluating them right-to-left, rather than the left-to-right that you
>> probably expect.
> For what it's worth, XQuery engines do this too - or sometimes evaluate
> from the middle, too - for performance reasons.
> There were papers on this at various VLDB conferences.
> Early on in XQuery develpment there were concerns about performance of
> the XPath "full axis feature", but it turned out that the workarounds
> users found for missing axis support were massively slower and harder to
> optimize than native support; the same is probably true of some of the
> CSS selector proposals. It also turned out that the "full axis feature"
> could be optimized heavily - e.g., again, there was a paper I think at
> VLDB, showing how to turn backwards-looking expressions into
> forwards-looking ones, so that you could implement preceding-sibling and
> friends as efficiently as following-sibilng even in a streaming
> environment.

Cool!  If someone who likes working on Selectors code is ever
interested in exploring these kinds of optimizations, I'd be very
interested in hearing about it!


Received on Tuesday, 13 November 2012 22:04:48 UTC