Re: [css3-transforms] Multiplication order

On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 2:10 PM, Simon Sapin <> wrote:

> Hi,
> css3-transforms recently got a change to specify more precisely the
> multiplication order of transformation matrices:
> This is good, but still somewhat ambiguous: matrix multiplication is not
> commutative, A * B is not always the same as B * A.
> §6 says:
>  Multiply by each of the transform functions in ‘transform’ property from
>> left to right
> Is this a left-multiply or a right multiply? In other words, which of
> these is correct?
>     accumulator = accumulator * to_matrix(function)
> or
>     accumulator = to_matrix(function) * accumulator

It's always left to right so:

accumulator = accumulator * to_matrix(function)

> I remember trying stuff blindly and comparing with other engines in order
> to get this right in WeasyPrint…
> Similar questions arise with nested "transformed" stacking contexts or
> anywhere an implementation would multiply matrices. It might just be me who
> is confused, but the spec could still be more explicit than it is currently.

Is your confusion with preserver-3d or with regular 2d transforms?
In the case of 2d, the outer transform happens first (= to the left)

> Thanks,
> --
> Simon Sapin

Received on Sunday, 11 November 2012 04:14:13 UTC