Re: nth descendent selector

Sounds like this would be solved by the :nth-match() pseudo-class [1] in Selectors 4. Specifically, the selector in your example would be li:nth-match(7 of li) or just :nth-match(7 of li).


Lea Verou
W3C developer relations ✿ @leaverou

On Nov 9, 2012, at 12:33, Dave Smith wrote:

> Hi
> The :nth-of-type and similar selectors are really great but is there reason why we don't have a selector equivalent to document.getElementsByTagName?
> A selector like ":nth" that would only ever select zero or one element in comparison to :nth-of-type or similar which can select zero or more elements.
> For example
> li:nth(7)
> would be equivalent to document.getElementsByTagName('li')[6] 
> I for one would find this useful in making my CSS more robust and easier to write, for example take this very rough and contrived scenario:
> Document 1:
> <h1></h1>
> <h1></h1>
> Document 2:
> <p></p>
> <div><h1></h1></div> 
> <h1></h1> 
> Document 3:
> <div> <div> <h1></h1> </div> </div> 
> <h1></h1> 
> In this example I want to ensure that the first h1 always has less of a margin above it (or conversely I want to ensure that any subsequent h1s have more of a margin above them) and importantly I have no control over the markup I'm receiving.
> There may be are other use-cases for a selector equivalent to document.getElementsByTagName.
> all the best
> Dave

Received on Friday, 9 November 2012 20:14:32 UTC