Re: Alternative to Sticky Positioning

On 11/07/2012 06:34 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> Unfortunately, this suffers from basic circularity problems - your
> pseudoclass applies when an element is outside of the viewport, but
> then applies rules that put it back in the airport, so the pseudoclass
> no longer applies, so it goes out of the viewport, so the pseudoclass
> applies...
> It also doesn't address the use-case quite right.  This pseudoclass
> would apply when the page first loaded, if the element was below the
> fold, and after the element's container scrolled off the top of the
> screen, if it was sticky to its container rather than the viewport.
> Finally, because your idea switches it to fixpos, which takes it out
> of the normal flow, the content surrounding it would jump around when
> it switched.  Stickypos is basically "magical relpos", where it still
> takes up space in the flow.

Right. I didn't think about those things. Thanks for your explanation 

Received on Wednesday, 7 November 2012 18:41:04 UTC