Re: [css3-regions] can ::before/::after become a CSS Region?

(12/11/07 20:35), Alan Stearns wrote:
>>  span::before { display: block; flow-from: test; flow-into: test;
>> counter-reset: x 10; } span::after { content: counter(x); }
>> Again the former suggests "10" and I can't really tell what the latter
>> is suggesting.
> (I changed display to block based on your correction)
> In this case, flow-into is ignored as it does not apply to ::before
> pseudo-elements, so there is not a circular dependency.

Ah! You are right. I forgot about that.

> So the result should be "10".
> (by the way, I very much appreciate your detailed read of CSS Regions in
> the separate long post. I am going to be mostly away from email for the
> next two days, so I'm unfortunately not going to be able to respond to it
> until Friday this week)

Take your time.

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Received on Wednesday, 7 November 2012 13:02:53 UTC