Re: [css3-regions] can ::before/::after become a CSS Region?

Thanks! That would make it a lot clearer. I am going to be a bit more
picky however..

(12/11/07 11:29), Alan Stearns wrote:
> Yes, the spec should say something about this. There's some text in
> css4-pseudo [1] that's meant to describe this change:
> ---
> A CSS rule using ::before or ::after creates a pseudo-element
> only if the computed values of the Œcontent¹ property
> and the Œflow-from¹ property [CSS3-REGIONS] are not both Œnone¹.
> ---
> Block container pseudo-elements where the value of ¹flow-from'
> computes to an <ident> and the value of Œcontent¹ computes to
> Œnone¹ are generated as CSS Regions, which is an update to the
> behavior described in [CSS21].
> ---

These two sentences give me two different results for a case like:

  span::before { display: inline; flow-from: test; counter-reset: x 10;
} span::after { content: counter(x); }

The former suggests "10" and the latter suggests "0". Also, what should
happen for a case like

  span::before { display: inline; flow-from: test; flow-into: test;
counter-reset: x 10; } span::after { content: counter(x); }

Again the former suggests "10" and I can't really tell what the latter
is suggesting.

No opinion whatsoever to which is right.

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Received on Wednesday, 7 November 2012 04:03:23 UTC