Re: RE: [css-variables] Using $foo as the syntax for variables

> > While I didn't use SASS so far I do not think it will cause such big  
> > problems. If SASS doesn't adopt CSS variables syntax, it will just  
> > continue parsing variables in it's own syntax and it's fine. Or it 
> > will adopt CSS variables and produce less code. The only disadvantage 
> > for SASS would be one point less on their features list.
> > So people using SASS will continue using it and it will work.
> Just to be clear, SASS cannot adopt the CSS variables proposal, as
> it depends on the cascade to work and can be interacted with through
> the DOM, both of which don't make sense in a server side preprocessor.
> They can only be implemented client side, in the browser.
> SASS can keep its own variables as long as we use a syntax that's
> different from them, or keep its behavior under a new syntax if
> we pick a conflicting syntax for CSS variables, or drop variables
> all together.

With "adopting CSS variables proposal" I meant SASS would throw away his variables aproach completely in a future version in favor of supporting CSS variables.

Because as Jonathan mentioned:
> don't make long-term decisions for short-term reasons.

> Also note that the $foo syntax won't break any dormant, unsupported 
> code. 
> Such code can keep using the old SASS, and producing old-style CSS. The 
> day I want to upgrade my css output to use $foo variables, I can just 
> use a translation script to transform all my SASS files, and I'm on to 
> the new syntax. This just isn't difficult, folks, even if difficulty 
> for that population mattered.

Since my proposals of still don't seem to be recognized, I post them here again (though some info might already be outdated now):

1. @variables rule containing variables as properties
   @variables {
     header-color: #06c;

- All variables can be defined at one place

- No format restrictions for values

2. @var rule for defining one variable as rule
   @var header-color {
     background-color: #006;
     color: #06c;

- Properties can be defined like in normal styling rules
- Variable can hold several properties

- Overhead when defining several variables
- A bit overhead when using variables only for single values

3. @variables rule containing variables as rules
   @variables {
     header-color {
       background-color: #006;
       color: #06c;

- Properties can be defined like in normal styling rules
- Variable can hold several properties
- Corresponds to the syntax of other @-rules like @keyframes

- A bit overhead when using variables only for single values

1. 'var' property
   h1 {
     var: header-color;

In case several properties should be allowed in one variable, this could 
be the syntax.

2. $-syntax
   h1 {
     background-color: $header-color;

According to PHP syntax variables could be preceeded by a dollar sign 
(or another special character that makes it obvious that the value is a 
variable and not a normal value).

3. var()-syntax
h1 {
     background-color: var(header-color);

The syntax as it's currently suggested.

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Received on Thursday, 24 May 2012 03:50:21 UTC