Re: [css-variables] Using $foo as the syntax for variables

On Wed, 23 May 2012 03:43:08 +0200, Brian Kardell <>  

> Are we talking about  a):
>     $blue: #3bbfce;
>     .content-navigation {
>         border-color: $blue;
>     }
> b:
>     :root {
>          var-blue: #3bbfce;
>     }
>     .content-navigation {
>         border-color: $blue;
>     }
> Or c:
>     :root {
>         $blue: #3bbfce;
>     }
>     .content-navigation {
>         border-color: $blue;
>     }

I made my comments on the assumption that we are talking about c. I prefer  
var- / var() to c quite a lot, but
I could imagine living with c.

I would probably object to a, as this is discarding the cascading behavior  
that was key to convincing most of the working group, myself included.

b Looks clumsy to me, so I wouldn't like it much either, even though it is  
less disruptive of the grammar than c.

  - Florian

Received on Wednesday, 23 May 2012 08:16:47 UTC