Re: [SAC] ConditionFactory.createClassCondition

Hi Björn,

thanks for the prompt reply.

> Note that the basic idea behind SAC is unsound, in order to make some
> generic interface you would have to have some stable syntax, but the CSS
> Syntax is not stable at all, even the "promised to never change" core
> syntax is changed quite regularily, so you would end up in update hell
> trying to maintain a generic interface while keeping old applications
> using it working while providing new applications semi-convenient to all
> the latest features. That's also why there are no decent tools to pro-
> cess style sheets. So, whatever problem you are meaning to solve, SAC is
> unlikely to help.

So you are saying that SAC probably won't be maintained any further?
At least has been updated last month so I hoped SAC is not a cul-de-sac.

All I actually need is a way to parse and access CSS3 selectors. The present tools seem to be incomplete so I decided to write my own implementation. By using SAC as the API I thought others might benefit from it, too. Though the API design (at least the Java version) doesn't seem to be perfect, I rather would like to use some kind of common API than to reinvent my own CSS parser wheel. However, the latter now seems to be a better choice.


Received on Sunday, 20 May 2012 05:47:55 UTC