Re: [css3-align] The Great Alignment Bikeshed

> Set 1: Box/Content/Default
>     +--------X----------------Y------
>   A |     box-justify      box-align
>   B | content-justify  content-align
>   C | default-justify  default-align
> Set 2: Self/Content/Item
>     +--------X----------------Y------
>   A |    self-justify     self-align
>   B | content-justify  content-align
>   C |    item-justify     item-align
> Set 3: Outside/Inside/Items
>     +--------X----------------Y------
>   A | justify-outside  align-outside
>   B | justify-inside   align-inside
>   C | justify-items    align-items
> What do you think works best? Why? Do you have another suggestion?

box and content make sense to me, and so do outside and inside.

self and content are a bit cryptic to me.

As for default vs item, no strong opinion. Neither seem very much
clearer than the other.

  - Florian

Received on Monday, 14 May 2012 13:27:57 UTC