Re: [css3-text] definition of 'word-break: break-all'

(12/05/11 16:35), Koji Ishii wrote:
> After learning UAX#14 further, I figured it's more complex than I originally thought, and example rules for tailoring in the UAX doesn't work as they were written there. They're examples, so that makes sense though.

While I agree that example would just be at most an approximation of
what we need, I am interested in what other cases don't work besides
'+', which is arguably a fairly corner case.

> So I discussed with fantasai and we'll seek for wording that does not rely on UAX#14, but that will address original issues:
> 1. keep-all should be defined as a diff from normal, and the description is not good to fulfill the use case.
> 2. Need clarification on symbols and punctuation for break-all and make sure the use case is covered.
> These two are the summary of issues you pointed out, do I understand correctly?

Yes, in particular, I think we should use common cases to guide the
definition. For 1. that's an English word with hyphen (and was already
addressed recently). For 2. that's 1) an ideograph followed by an
ideographic punctuation 2) an English letter followed by "," 3) an
English word with "'". For 2., The current definition is already good
enough for the cases (assuming "letter" means [L*] and [N*]) and I am
simply raising another option but I don't have strong opinion in either
way. In any case, please link "letter" to that definition.


Received on Friday, 11 May 2012 14:33:33 UTC