Re: [css21][css3-values] <positive-integer>

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 7:22 AM, Simon Sapin <> wrote:
> Ok, I understand the issues. Numerical comparison is especially bad for
> non-zero values that are rounded to zero because of machine precision.
> So if the constraint is syntactical, css3-syntax is the place to have it.
> The "new" state-machine-based css3-syntax already has an "integer" flag on
> numerical tokens. Adding "positive" and "zero" flags should be enough to
> define <positive-integer> and other variants.
> Can V&U3 depend on Syntax3, or will the later not be ready in time?

It's tight, but probably not. We intend to resolve to advance V&U3 to
CR this week, and Syntax won't be ready to go to WD for a bit.

However, we can define it in hand-wavey terms for now with an
informative reference to Syntax, and then update the reference once
Syntax goes WD.


Received on Wednesday, 9 May 2012 06:28:07 UTC