Re: [css3-values] (Un)Quoted User-Defined Values

Tab Atkins Jr. (2012-03-19):
> On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 4:57 AM, Christoph Päper
>> — User-defined keywords MAY be quoted.
> — Some user-defined keywords MUST NOT be quoted.

I was thinking of the parameter to ‘url()’ for instance, which MAY be quoted and that should have been a MUST. I think “some must, all may” would work better than “some must, some must not”.

>> — User-defined keywords SHOULD be quoted.
> Avoiding quotes when unnecessary is a good thing, in general.

Yes, but only if there are no pitfalls for authors and if it can be made a general rule.

Received on Monday, 26 March 2012 14:35:04 UTC