Re: [css3-regions] @region and specificity

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 10:35 AM, David Hyatt <> wrote:
> I would strongly prefer we use pseudo-classes here. I don't get why we would want to use pseudo-elements. We're not talking about a unique object as we are with other pseudo-elements. We're just talking about how an element itself looks in a particular region. In the example above the portion of <h1> that is in a region is still the <h1>, so I think a pseudo-class is far more appropriate.

"The portion of <h1> that is in a region" is a unique object, though,
just like "the portion of <p> in the first line" is.  A pseudoclass
just filters elements, exactly like a normal class would, so any
properties would still apply to the *whole* <h1>.  You need a
pseudo-element to select a "portion" of an element, because you need
to explicitly add more structure to the element-tree.


Received on Tuesday, 20 March 2012 17:56:25 UTC