Re: [css3-grid-layout] mismatched grid template strings

On 03/15/2012 11:43 PM, Brad Kemper wrote:
> On Mar 15, 2012, at 7:15 PM, Phil Cupp<>  wrote:
>> Brad, in your example below the expansion of b resulted in a non-rectangular cell so that wouldn't be OK.
> Oops. I didn't even notice that. On the other hand, the spec doesn't seem to forbid non-rectangular grid cells, does it? It just doesn't have a way to create them other than with template. Personally, I think it would be useful to be able to create "L", "C", and "O" -shaped areas.

I think we all agree it would be useful, but it complicates the layout calculations,
so IIRC we're disallowing it for this round.


Received on Sunday, 18 March 2012 01:10:54 UTC