RE: [css3-images] comments on radial gradients

Thanks.  I suspect it was related to that.

Yah, that phrasing can be especially troubling when evaluating cases such as...
 repeating-radial-gradient(red -25px, blue -20px, green -15px);
... where there are no "non-negative locations" prior to .

Heck, even in non-repeating gradients it's a concern:
 radial-gradient(red -25px, blue -20px, green -15px);

-----Original Message-----
From: L. David Baron [] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 1:23 PM
To: Brian Manthos
Subject: Re: [css3-images] comments on radial gradients

On Wednesday 2012-03-14 20:17 +0000, Brian Manthos wrote:
> L. David Baron:
> > In section 4.3 (Repeating gradients), 
> > :
> >
> >  I think this section ought to be clearer about how negative color  
> > stops are handled for repeating radial gradients.  The rules for  
> > repeating in this section seem to contradict the earlier statement
> >  that positions less than 0 have no effect on rendering in radial
> Can you clarify which spec fragment this is referencing?  I'm having trouble finding it. (4.2.2, Placing Color Stops) says:
  # Negative locations can be specified; though negative locations
  # are never directly consulted for rendering, they can affect the
  # color of non-negative locations on the gradient ray through
  # interpolation. For example, β€˜radial-gradient(red -50px, yellow
  # 100px)’ produces an elliptical gradient that starts with a
  # reddish-orange color in the center (specifically, #f50) and
  # transitions to yellow.


π„ž   L. David Baron                  𝄂
𝄒   Mozilla                    𝄂

Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2012 20:54:26 UTC