Re: [css-hierarchies] HTML style attribute

Le 03/03/12 16:41, Tab Atkins Jr. a écrit :

> On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 4:18 AM, François REMY<>  wrote:
>> Small questions for the spec editors of CSS Hierarchies: is it
>> possible/needed to modify the syntax of the “style” attribute to accomodate
>> hierarchies ?
> It would be nice, but as Ms2ger said, it was already attempted once.
> I won't attempt to push the change in this draft, but reviving the old
> Style Attribute draft would be an interesting thing to do eventually.

I don't think François's request make sense given the fact scoped
stylesheets are on their way...


Received on Sunday, 4 March 2012 09:07:05 UTC