Re: CSS Hierarchies + @media queries

On Wednesday 2012-02-29 15:42 -0800, Chris Eppstein wrote:
> I was reading through and noticed
> that there was no provision for nesting an @media directive inside a
> hierarchical selector context.
> In Sass we let @media be nested in any selector and then "bubble" that
> @media query to the top level.
> For example:
> .context {
>   & .module {
>     float: left;
>     width: 50%;
>     @media all and (max-device-width: 500px) {
>       float: none;
>       width: auto;
>     }
>   }
>   & p {
>     color: #333;
>   }
> }

Just because we could have another way to write something doesn't
mean we should.  We risk turning the language into perl, i.e., into
a language where there are ten ways to express the same thing and
thus nobody can read what anybody else writes.

I think it's a lot of extra work to implement and it doesn't look
like it adds much value.


𝄞   L. David Baron                  𝄂
𝄢   Mozilla                    𝄂

Received on Thursday, 1 March 2012 00:36:00 UTC