Re: [css4-color] Make the r/g/b components be <number> rather than <integer>?

On 6/9/12 1:46 AM, Brad Kemper wrote:
 > Well, yeah. Whether it is emitted or reflected, light is generally
 > necessary for vision.

The point is that the "light" involved may not may very well to "r", 
"g", and "b".

> I assumed rgb(0,0,0) would be a black that at least as dark as any gamut could approximate.

Sure.  The question is what rgb(-10, 255, 255) is.  You seemed to assume 
that you can't take away any red from a combination of "green" and and 
"blue", but the fact is that these are exactly orthogonal to each other 
in any meaningful way, so you can.  As long as you're not using display 
hardware that maps these abstract coordinates to nonnegative physical 
quantities like light intensity, of course.


Received on Saturday, 9 June 2012 05:57:18 UTC