[CSS21] The 'clear' property on table wrappers.


Elements with 'display: table' generate two boxes: a table wrapper box 
and a table box.

17.4 explains how the computed values on the element are distributed to 
the two boxes:

> The computed values of properties 'position', 'float', 'margin-*',
> 'top', 'right', 'bottom', and 'left' on the table element are used on
> the table wrapper box and not the table box; all other values of
> non-inheritable properties are used on the table box and not the
> table wrapper box.

In a previous email, I already reported that 'z-index' should be added 
to the list of properties that are used on the table wrapper box and not 
the table box. I just found that this is the case for 'clear' as well:

If 'clear' is to have an effect, the table and its captions (if any) 
should stay together and not be separated by clearance.

Simon Sapin

Received on Tuesday, 5 June 2012 16:14:24 UTC