Re: [css-om][css3-conditional] spaces, newlines and rule serialization

On Sun, Jul 29, 2012 at 10:52 AM, François REMY

>   FWIW, IE9 on my computer:
> *[1] CSSStyleDeclaration.cssText - delimiters - one declaration*
>     "left: 10px;"
> *[2] CSSStyleDeclaration.cssText - delimiters - two declarations*
>     “left: 10px; right: 20px;"
> *[3] Summary *
> **
>     IE adds a simple semicolon after the last declaration, but a semicolon
> and a space to separate two declarations. This is what I personnally do in
> my inline style declarations.

Thanks. It looks like IE9 and FF14 match, which gets my vote. Opera and
Safari need to change if we define the IE/FF final delimiter behavior as

Received on Sunday, 29 July 2012 16:59:38 UTC