Re: [css-om][css3-conditional] spaces, newlines and rule serialization

On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 22:46:58 +0200, Glenn Adams <> wrote:

> Webkit appends "; ", not ";", so there is still a difference. IMO, the  
> spec
> should prohibit adding either "; " or ";", and the implementations should
> be changed accordingly.

I was just commenting on the presence of the semicolon. If you want to get
into details, Firefox and future Opera also append "; ". If we were  
 from scratch, I'd agree with you. Given that we just had to switch away  
that behavior to the "; " behavior because of real world site compatibility
issues, I'll be against this change, on grounds of "don't break the web".

> Unless *all* major browsers produce exactly the same behavior, my  
> position
> is that we can change to a more rational, standard behavior. Let's
> determine if there is universal agreement on behavior yet before  
> adopting a
> position.

Well, currently, Opera, firefox and webkit  do produce the exact same  
thing for style rules (modulo the semi column, but we're aligning) and for  
media rules. I would venture that this is not by chance, but rather  
because we have copied each-other (or copied IE) to solve interoperability  

Received on Thursday, 26 July 2012 08:29:26 UTC