Re: [ui] time to re-introduce the 'user-select' property to the spec?

No particular opinion on this, but I just wanted to complete your table.

On Tue, 24 Jul 2012 00:47:35 +0200, Edward O'Connor <>  
>       +---------+-----+------+---------+------+------+-----------+
>       | Engine  | all | auto | element | none | text | -moz-none |
>       +---------+-----+------+---------+------+------+-----------+
>       | Gecko   | ✓   | ?    | ✓       | ✓    | ✓    | ✓         |
         | Presto  | ✗   | ✗    | ✗       | ✗    | ✗    | ✗         |
>       | Trident | ✗   | ✓    | ✓       | ✓    | ✓    | ✗         |
>       | WebKit  | ✗   | ✓    | ✗       | ✓    | ✓    | ✗         |
>       +---------+-----+------+---------+------+------+-----------+

Opera doesn't support this property at all.

Received on Tuesday, 24 July 2012 11:38:07 UTC