Re: [css3-positioning] z-index and pseudo-stacking contexts

On 07/23/2012 06:52 PM, Simon Fraser wrote:
> On Jul 23, 2012, at 5:56 PM, fantasai<>  wrote:
>> So I have two questions (non-rhetorical):
>>   1. Is it desired / are there use cases for having positioned context
>>      within a z-positioned element be able to escape the z-positioned
>>      element's stacking context?
> But then they participate with some other stacking context? What would
> the rules be for depth sorting things across different stacking contexts?

They (all z-positioned descendants) would participate in the parent stacking
context, just like they do when the element only forms a pseudo-stacking

The difference with a regular element would be that
   - the element forms a pseudo-stacking context, if it doesn't already
   - its pseudo-stacking context is given a z-index and participates in its
     parent context accordingly

The difference from a positioned z-index-ed element would be that
   - the element doesn't form a stacking context, it forms a pseudo-stacking
     context at the specified level, so z-positioned descendants participate
     in the parent context

Now that I think about it, you might need to specify something special for
'z-index: auto' positioned descendants so they stay with the element rather
than layering with the parent's 'z-index: 0' items.

Anyway, the first question is, do we even need to consider this. :)


Received on Tuesday, 24 July 2012 02:05:35 UTC