Re: Define <br> by CSS means?

On Jul 21, 2012, at 16:11, Marat Tanalin | wrote:

> 21.07.2012, 10:44, "Lea Verou" <>:
> Unfortunately this is buggy in WebKit when used in conjunction with floated siblings of parent: text from BR'ed block sometimes is not wrapped and, as result, overlaps floated block instead. So it's of limited applicability in real world

WebKit bugs or any other isolated UA bug is not sufficient reason for standardizing new features AFAIK.

> (all the more so as it's inapplicable to inline-blocks).

Sure, I agree that something is clearly missing here, but I think it’s not what was asked. The issue here is just a limitation of how ::after works. If we had a pseudo-element that functions as a sibling, rather than a child of the target, it would not only solve this, but a large number of other issues and feature requests as well. The past few years have shown and keep showing that we need more kinds of pseudo-elements. Unfortunately, nobody seems to want to work on css3-content. :(

Received on Sunday, 22 July 2012 06:13:44 UTC