RE: [css2.1][css3-fonts] keywords in unquoted font family names

[Anton Prowse:] 
> Would the following satisfy all of us?
>    | Unquoted font family names that happen to be the same as the
>    | keyword values 'inherit', 'default' and 'initial' or the
>    | generic font keywords ('serif', 'sans-serif', 'monospace',
>    | 'fantasy', and 'cursive') do not match the '<family-name>'
>    | type.  In order for them to be interpreted as font family names,
>    | these names need to be quoted. Note: for example,
>    | 'font-family: Times, inherit' is an invalid declaration, because
>    | inherit' in that position can neither be a valid keyword
>    | nor a valid font family name.
Very belatedly, I think this is my favorite proposal thus far.

Received on Monday, 2 July 2012 20:11:24 UTC