Re: @import -- allow at any place in stylesheet.

18.01.2012, 02:57, "Tab Atkins Jr." <>:
> On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Ambrose LI <> wrote:
>>  2012/1/17 Tab Atkins Jr. <>:
>>>  We only really care about the web, since the vast vast majority of
>>>  pages using our tech are web pages.  Making choices that are bad for
>>>  the web but offer a minor benefit to non-web usage isn't a good
>>>  tradeoff.
>>  If we cared “only about the web” then we can throw a whole bunch of
>>  W3C initiatives out of the window. As it is, CSS is now caring about
>>  things that even some professional typesetting systems are unable to
>>  currently do.
> Personally, I agree - we *should* throw out a whole bunch of W3C initiatives.
> That's irrelevant to my point, though - CSS, specifically, is designed
> around the needs of the web.  (We do take on some responsibility for
> print publishing via epub, Antenna House, Prince, etc., but we've made
> decisions against them in favor of the web before.)

By the way, Windows 8 is expected to be deeply integrated with HTML/CSS used for creating whole interface of applications.

Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2012 23:13:44 UTC