Re: Fast-track new people to areas www-style need the most help with

> > Agh! I have just found this:
> >
> > Why on earth is this not on the W3C pages as an introduction to the
> list, and getting involved with it?!
> The hard part usually is that we have a tendency to say "Why was this not
> accessible on the home page" but the we is composed of many people with
> different priorities.

I'd be happy to get this sorted (i.e., do some stuff on the W3C's web-pages
to help address these discoverability issues) if someone can point me to
who I need to talk to about it :)

That said, there is certainly room for improvements.
> I remember in the past, I tried a small series of blog, but I didn't
> manage to write everything I wanted. There is room for more comprehensive
> information.
> Olivier Théreaux wrote also

Ah-ha! I'll investigate these when I am not at work. Thanks.

> btw I didn't remember where it was so I just did

That's cool, but it really shouldn't be necessary to use Google to navigate
the W3C...

Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2012 15:56:16 UTC