Fast-track new people to areas www-style need the most help with

Hi all,

I wrote a post about my first week's experience on the list [1], and Tab Atkins Jr replied, clarifying what I think is a fairly obvious problem we have: A lack of sufficiently skilled people capable of editing the actual specs.

So, how can we start to address that? For my part I'm new here and don't even know how I'd go about approaching this. I barely know anything about how www-style actually functions as a group/organisation/system because there's nothing explaining that.

Let's assume I want to be able to help out at that level - how do I find out:

* What do I need to know?
* What skills must I have?
* Who do I talk to about this?
* What is the process the group go through, from start to finish?
* How do I learn the things I must in order to edit a spec and work with the group well?
* Where are edits made (seriously, where do you edit a spec? How?).

Much like I believe the public facing archive need a serious make-over (were I capable, I would help out), I think general information dissemination about how the www-style operates, and roles within it, could really do with making clear. I would gladly write this up in a web-page that could get hosted somewhere useful on the W3C - but I don't know that answers to do that (and nor do I know how to go about it, who to contact, what the set-up is, etc. That kind of illustrates my point all on its own).


Received on Sunday, 15 January 2012 17:54:18 UTC